Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Inquire Tom why: Why do they call it meteorology? What do meteors have to do with predicting the climate? -

Pricey Vancouver Canucks Jerseys Tom, Why do they contact it meteorology? What do meteors have to do with predicting the weather?
—Arthur J. Bocek, Homewood

Dear Arthur,
The phrase meteorology dates again to early Greece, around 340 B.Do. when Aristotle wrote his treatise  Meteorologica,  which lined that era's expertise of climate and environment alongside with associated subjects of geology, astronomy and oceanography. Aristotle was intensely involved in the atmospheric phenomena that he observed this sort of as rain, snow, wind, lightning, thunder and rainbows. Considering that the Greeks referred to any particles that had been suspended in or falling by means of the air as  meteors  the expression meteorology came from his operate and refers to the study of the physics, chemistry and dynamics of the Earth's ambiance which includes the fundamental science of climate and climatic conditions forecasting.

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